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OGC Service as Action

FAQs about Service as Action

Who is in charge of SAA at our school?

  • Ms. Medha, Middle School Coordinator
  • Mr. Kumar, Grade 9-10 Coordinator

Do Students get a grade for SAA?

  • No, a separate grade is not given to SAA. The coordinators will advise students on whether they have met the requirement.

How many hours of service must be completed by MYP students each year?

  • The MYP leaves it up to the school to determine the yearly expectations; however, they are not based on time but rather on qualitative measures such as reflections and journal entries. See below for examples of what "counts" toward SAA.

Who is responsible for recording SAA experiences on Managebac?

  • Students are expected to record their own experiences on our Managebac platform. Students need to get approval for their experiences, record the details, reflection on their experiences, and provide evidence about what was done and learned.

Do MYP students have to meet all seven SAA Learning Outcomes each school year?

  • No, the MYP encourages students to meet the expectations in a balanced way over the course of the five year programme.

What Counts as Evidence?

Examples of Evidence

Investigation: research notes, interview notes/recordings, meetings/visit notes

Preparation/Planning: Action plan, calendar, meeting schedule, resource lists

Actions: Photos, videos, posters, written descriptions of the student doing service

Demonstration/Sharing: Presentation slides, notes, article, blog, vlog, video

Reflection: Written or oral narratives, other creative formats 

  • Reflections should demonstrate depth of thought about how you worked on the SAA outcomes, how ATL skills were used, your feelings during the process, how problems were addressed, ideas for the future, and so forth.

What is NOT Evidence of SAA

  • Paid work
  • Activities that are expected of a kind, compassionate person. For example, helping around the house, with family, a neighbor, chores, and such.
  • Activities that are part of your regular life, even if they are making the world better, such as recycling or other helpful things that you do.