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JVLR TOK: Natural Sciences


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Real Life Examples

Knowledge Questions for Natural Sciences


  • Should the natural sciences be regarded as a body of knowledge, a system of knowledge or a method?
  • Is human knowledge confined to what the natural sciences discover, or are there other important inquiries that are not covered by the natural sciences?
  • Is prediction the primary purpose of scientific knowledge?


  • What role do paradigm shifts play in the progression of scientific knowledge?
  • Does the precision of the language used in the natural sciences successfully eliminate all ambiguity?
  • Does competition between scientists help or hinder the production of knowledge?

Methods & Tools

  • What is the role of imagination and intuition in the creation of hypotheses in the natural sciences?
  • Why are many of the laws in the natural sciences stated using the language of mathematics?
  • Does scientific language have a primarily descriptive, explanatory or interpretative function?


  • Should scientific research be subject to ethical constraints or is the pursuit of all scientific knowledge intrinsically worthwhile?
  • In what ways have developments in science challenged long-held ethical values? Can moral disagreements be resolved with reference to empirical evidence?
  • Do human rights exist in the same way that the laws of gravity exist?


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Vocabulary & Terminology

Key Concepts in the Natural Sciences

Scientific Method

  • Is there a single scientific method?   
  • When should we be skeptical of scientific findings?


  • Is new scientific knowledge built incrementally  or through sudden insight?


Vocabulary & Terminology

Vocabulary & Terminology

evidence rationality observation and experimentation scientific method
pseudo science reliability of the scientific method bias in the scientific method evolution of scientific context
paradigm shifts, scientiific revolutions technological developments and scientific progress role of consensus and scientific community peer review
values and ethics of the methodologies employed in the scientific method ethics of funding of research, factors affecting objectivity

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