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OGC Extended Essay: Physics

 Physics: Overview 

An extended essay (EE) in physics should answer a research question in physics through focused, evidence-based argumentation. The evidence may be drawn from the student’s personal experimentation and/or book- and internet-based research. Whichever method of research is adopted, the student must use the principles of physics.

The essay must go beyond simply informing the reader and involve the elements of personal and original thinking.


Requirements for a Physics EE

SUBJECT-Specific Guidance pages explain the requirements. Print, highlight, annotated this document and pin it above your desk!

Use Command Terms in your essay to indicate a strong background in your subject

Read the Subject Reports to see what examiners said about makes a successful paper to know what they are looking for.

Research Questions

Review the questions below

  • Which ones will be most successful?
  • What ideas do the questions spark for you?


Physics Research Questions, scoring A or B

  • How does the changing velocity of the inductrack levitation system affect the lift force and the levitation height? 

  • How does the minimum time required for two hollow right circular cones made of aluminium foil of constant base radii and a constant air gap to undergo dielectric breakdown in a resonant microwave oven depend on the surface area of the cones? 

  • How does varied surface roughness affect a hollow cylinder’s vertical and horizontal flight path when rotated on its converse axis? 

  • How does the percentage of missing surface area of sandpaper due to holes affect the maximum coefficient of static friction between the sandpaper and a wooden block?

  • How does the density of the material affect the relative intensity of transmitted sound for 220Hz, 440 Hz, 880 Hz sound waves?

  • How does the force applied to a projectile shot out of a coil gun, and its efficiency, change with the variation of the voltage input? 

Other Research Questions

(score unknown - think about which are most successful)

  • To what extent does the volume of water affect the altitude gained by adding a constant pressure?

Past Papers: Why Read Them?

  • See common structures, methodologies, use of command terms and other subject-specific vocabulary
  • Notice the difference between successful papers AND papers that were less successful
  • Read the examiner comments on scored papers and their reflections to note what worked and what didn't


Physics Papers