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OGC Extended Essay: Mathematics

 Mathematics: Overview 

Six categories of Maths EEs:
• the applicability of mathematics to solve both real and abstract problems
• the beauty of mathematics—eg geometry or fractal theory
• the elegance of mathematics in the proving of theorems—eg number theory
• the history of mathematics: the origin and subsequent development of a branch of mathematics over a
period of time, measured in tens, hundreds or thousands of years
• the effect of technology on mathematics:
• in forging links between different branches of mathematics,
• or in bringing about a new branch of mathematics, or causing a particular branch to flourish.


Requirements for a Mathematics EE

The Subject-Specific Guidance page for your chosen subject is THE KEY to ensuring your paper meets the requirements. Print, highlight, and annotate this page and pin it above your desk!

The Command Terms are the key terms and phrases used in examination questions. Using these in your essay will indicate a strong background in your subject

The Subject Reports give an overview of what EXAMINERS have said about makes a successful paper in the subject. It's smart to read these over to know what the examiners are looking for.

Research Questions

Review the questions below

  • Which ones will be most successful?
  • What ideas do the questions spark for you?


Sample Math Papers scoring A or B

  • What algorithms can be used to find the two prime factors of a semiprime, and how can they be implemented?

  • To what extent can counting cards using the HiLo counting system benefit the gambler in comparison to a standard Blackjack strategy?

  • How reliable is Fourier Analysis in the analysis of signal processing?

  • What would be the best method to approximate π without a calculator?


Sample Research Questions

(score unknown - think about which are most successful)

  • Investigating the Korean MERS outbreak using the SEIR model: How would hypothetical diseases be simulated if variables of the SEIR model were to be altered?

Past Papers: Why Read Them?

  • See common structures, methodologies, use of command terms and other subject-specific vocabulary
  • Notice the difference between successful papers AND papers that were less successful
  • Read the examiner comments on scored papers and their reflections to note what worked and what didn't
