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OGC Personal Project: A: Planning

Criterion A: Planning 

To complete Part A of the Report:

1) State a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal

> Create S.M.A.R.T Goals (see below)

2) State an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product

> Use ACCESS FM to develop your success criteria (see examples, tips below)

> How will you know you have achieved your learning outcomes?

3) Present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria

> Write an action plan (see sample templates below)

> Your plan needs to focus on the product not the report criteri

1) SMART Goals

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2) Creating Success Criteria

What should the Success Criteria Include?

The success criteria, developed by the student, measure the degree of excellence to which the product aspires or the terms under which the product can be judged to have been successful.

❖ The success criteria must be testable, measurable and observable.

❖ The success criteria must evaluate the product.

❖ The success criteria must evaluate the impact on the student or the community.

(Handbook for students and supervisors p. 14)

Ms. Medha's Tips for Writing Success Criteria (Printable)

Copy and Create your own Success Criteria Table

Try "Cafe Que" Questions to Guide Your Thinking:

Try ACCESS FM to develop your success criteria

You can view examples of using the acronym, ACCESS FM, at the website of Lenny Dutton, "The Excited Educator." Dutton demonstrates how her students use ACCESS FM for "analysing existing products, (and also for creating their design specifications and evaluating their product)."

You do not have to have success criteria for each of these elements. You might decide that only 5 or 6 of them are relevant to your project. That's okay. This is simply a tool to get you thinking about the various elements of your product you need to consider and possibly research in order to understand what success will look like. See Guiding Questions HERE.

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3) Action Planning

Video: Creating your Action Plan, from Ms. Medha

Templates to plan the ACTIONS needed to complete your PRODUCT

  • Make a copy of each and fill in with your own actions

More Resources for Action Planning