Knowledge & Technology Questions:
- What is the difference between “data”, “information” and “knowledge”?
- Does technology just allow us to arrange existing knowledge in different ways, or is this arrangement itself knowledge in some sense?
- What is the difference between “data”, “information” and “knowledge”?
- Do social networks reinforce our existing perspective rather than boosting our engagement with diverse perspectives?
- How has technology had an impact on how we browse, search and filter data and information? Can algorithms be biased?
- Is big data creating a new cognitive paradigm?
Methods & Tools
- To what extent are technologies, such as the microscope and telescope, merely extensions to the human senses, or do they introduce radically new ways of seeing the world?
- Is artificial intelligence restricted to processing information or can it also allow machines to acquire knowledge?
- What is the difference between computational thinking, algorithmic thinking and critical thinking?
- Does the existence of the deep web influence our view on whether some knowledge should remain secret or largely inaccessible?
- Should we hold people responsible for the applications of technologies they develop/create?
- On what criteria could we decide whether activities such as “hacktivism” are morally justifiable? To what extent have technological developments led to an increase in data being collected without people’s consent or when they are unaware that it is being collected?
Want more Questions? See HERE, via the IBO