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10 Globalization: Globalization

Articles About Globalization

Literary Connections

How Ignorant ARE you?

  • Take these quizzes to find out!
  • Understanding globalization is also about understanding global issues

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   Search Tips:

  • Identify Key Words: Write out questions, circle necessary words, anticipate words in the answer
  • Use Booleans to narrow or broaden your search (And, Or, Not)
  • Use truncation (*) to catch more results (for example: creat* will bring create, creation, creating...)
  • Use quotation marks to keep exact phrases together ("Florida Marlins")
  • Use wildcards (?) to catch various spellings or meanings (wom?n brings woman and women)
  • Use a minus sign to filter out irrelevant results (-fish)
  • Filter results with "Search Tools" in Google
  • Search for files and scans using " filetype:pdf" in a search
  • Limit results by domain, such as .gov  .edu  .cn
  • Limit to terms in the title of a site or article with "intitle:"

Sample Search String:

  • "amnesty international"    iran   intitle:execution*    site:http://.gov    "cultur* impact"    -oil

Using Google? Choose Advanced Search

Build a search string with Boolify - a puzzle-style google search

Topics to Explore

What has been the impact of Globalization and....

  • Culture
  • Language
  • Food
  • Music
  • Sports

Sample Search Strings:

  • Globali?ation food OR music
  • Globali?ation sports -soccer
  • Cartoons globali?ation "climate change"

Using GALE (below)

Carrot - A search engine for browsing

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