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SDG Guide: Good Health and Well Being


Guiding Questions

  • What is wellness?

  • What is health care?

  • How might good health and wellness solutions look different around the world? How might they look the same?

  • How does access to health care impact an individual? A community? The world?

  • How does wellness impact a person’s life?

  • How does what humans need for healthcare change over time?

  • What is our responsibility for good health and wellness? For ourselves? For others?

  • What is the connection between knowledge and good health?






Pedagogical Resources

Ideas for Classroom Activities

Multimedia Educational Resources

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  • Promoting environmental and human welfare - A recycling project at the school has been developed. The Protea Park primary school project reflects the gradual disappearance of rubbish dumps in the school’s neighborhood. This initiative has allowed recycled waste to be sold to a local firm, thus increasing the school’s income for installing recreational facilities for students.

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