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7 Individuals + Societies: Culture & Climate

Read to Generate your Research Question

Starting Resources:

Create a Research Question

  • Read the resources and generate QUESTIONS as you read.
  • Review your questions and add OVERALL questions about the articles.
  • Brainstorm broad questions until you have ONE question that you'd like to research in depth.

Your research question will work if....

  • it can be answered with various examples and pieces of evidence from sources.
  • it can be answered using facts AND with different points of view
    • Remember: You are preparing an ARGUMENT

Take "Category Style" Notes

Use this Note-Taking TEMPLATE to take notes about your information

  • This will "Force" a copy: Rename the doc! Add your info!

Research Help

Chat with Flint about any information you don't understand.

Ask questions until you are able to explain the ideas on your own!

   How to Search!

Identify Key Words

  • Write out questions
  • Circle necessary words
  • Anticipate words in the answer
  • Use synonyms (words that have the same meaning) to get more results

Use Boolean Operators to narrow or broaden your search

  • OR gives more results
  • AND gives fewer results
  • NOT cuts out specific words or phrases

Use quotation marks to keep exact phrases together

  • Example: "Florida Marlins" will give results about the baseball team, not the fish or the US state

Build a search string with Boolify - a puzzle-style google search!

School Databases

Search or Browse for various topics - no password needed!

Log in with OIS Google