Class Resources
Create an infographic showing data in a visual manner
The data should highlight an issue related to sustainability
Using the Datasets:
Examine each dataset on the right and choose the one that's best for you
Finalize your Research Interest after deciding which one you'd like to work with
Terms to Watch For:
REMEMBER to Cite your data!
CIA World Factbook gathers statistics about all of the countries of the world and organizes them to present a data-driven picture of the status of issues in those countries. CIA stands for "Central Intelligence Agency" and is an organization in the US Government.
The World Bank is not actually a bank - it's an organization that funds special projects around the world to address inequality of all types. It's like the "bank" for the world.
World Health Organization (WHO) is a branch of the United Nations (UN) that compiles data from the countries of the world related to health and safety.
The OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development)
"Better policies for better lives." The OECD is an international organization that works with governments, policy makers, and citizens to create policies that will lead to a better world.