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8 Maths: Inequality Data

Class Resources

Create an infographic showing data in a visual manner

The data should highlight an area of inequity present in our world today

  • Task Sheet & Rubric

Using the Datasets:

Examine each dataset on the right and choose the one that's best for you

Finalize your Research Interest after deciding which one you'd like to work with


  • What topics are covered and do they fit your interest?
  • How easily can you access the data?
  • How well do you understand the way the data is presented?
  • How easily can you extract and use the data for your own purpose?

Terms to Watch For:

  • Filters: ways to narrow the results
  • Download: ways to save the data (.csv is a spreadsheet)
  • Indicators: an element that represents statistical data for a specified time, place, and other characteristics (for example "Adult mortality rate")
  • Reports: a narrative summarizing data as part of an overview or deeper study

REMEMBER to Cite your data!

  • Once you find data you will use in your infographic, cite the source(s) as a webpage in Noodletools
  • Look on the page for a citation already completed (OECD, for example, gives citations)

CIA World Factbook gathers statistics about all of the countries of the world and organizes them to present a data-driven picture of the status of issues in those countries. CIA stands for "Central Intelligence Agency" and is an organization in the US Government.

  • See Country Comparisons to choose issues and compare data in different places
  • See Countries to examine issues in one particular country in detail
  • See Country Summaries to see a one-page snapshot about a particular country (recommended for background information!)


The World Bank is not actually a bank - it's an organization that funds special projects around the world to address inequality of all types. It's like the "bank" for the world.

World Health Organization (WHO) is a branch of the United Nations (UN) that compiles data from the countries of the world related to health and safety.

The OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) 

"Better policies for better lives." The OECD is an international organization that works with governments, policy makers, and citizens to create policies that will lead to a better world.

  • Income Inequality datasets, see various indicators on the left
  • View summary reports and manipulate the data to show as a table or graph and select different elements to compare
  • Hover on "Topics" as a pull-down to see Overviews and supporting data for many topics