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7 Spanish: Tourism

Tourism Brochure

Create a brochure highlighting reasons to visit a country in South or Central America


  • Weather
  • Geographical Landmarks
  • Historical Landmarks
  • Food
  • Accommodations

Class Resources:

MS Search Tips

   How to Search!

Identify Key Words

  • Write out questions
  • Circle necessary words
  • Anticipate words in the answer
  • Use synonyms (words that have the same meaning) to get more results

Use Boolean Operators to narrow or broaden your search

  • OR gives more results
  • AND gives fewer results
  • NOT cuts out specific words or phrases

Use quotation marks to keep exact phrases together

  • Example: "Florida Marlins" will give results about the baseball team, not the fish or the US state

Build a search string with Boolify - a puzzle-style google search!

Resources in English

Password (not a google login)